Category Archives: Galactic Connection

Are you experiencing grief? This Hug’s For You – July 2018

Alexandra talks about why so many people are grieving, and explains why she was called to create a new formula called “This Hug’s For You”.
This formula was created in response to so many struggling to find their center through the “death” process of anything we feel is dear to our hearts.
Paired with that, for the July ‘Independence’ Promotion, is the Joy formula, to uplift your spirits and help you to move through the darkness and despair.
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Help Us Take Down Corrupt Constructs – An Explanation

Alexandra and Laura offer their explanation of a new service offered at Galactic Connection, “Help Us Take Down Corrupt Constructs”. In this video, the origins and larger intents of this service are discussed. This is mainly to be used for resolving large-scale societal or economic constructs, and while a personal involvement certainly may spur a request, the service is not intended to simply resolve personal issues (for which other GC services are more appropriate.)

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More than For Meditation: Essential Oils and a Dramatic Healing Story – June 3, 2018

Alexandra sits down with Laura Legere for an enlightening conversation about the uses of essential oils. The conversation focuses on Laura’s dramatic story of healing following a horrific biking accident in Mexico. Essential oils played a crucial role in spiritually managing the psychological effects as well as contributing to physical changes that we are not allowed to specify for fear of repercussions from the corporate owned “regulatory” agencies. Tune in for a fascinating discussion and hear Laura’s unique way of relating a terrible event with humor and a spiritual understanding that leaves no room for victimhood.
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Another Dose of Creator’s Light – How is This Impacting Us and Our World? May 8, 2018

Update from Alexandra – reviewing world events through a galactic lens.

Alexandra presents a positive assessment on the progress of the light in the 3 d and beyond. Reviewing the world situation may try one’s patience, but Alexandra shows there is substantial reason for hope. She explains that the difficulties we continue to face on the planet are those we contracted from our thousands of past lives. While we still may hit some walls, the discordance is being resolved with our conscientious awareness. As above, so below, everything on earth mirrors our multidimensional existence, and the second American revolution is well underway even as the divine plan of Prime Creator is unveiled and comes to fulfillment.

Below are the links to articles referenced in the video.

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A NEW Promotion to help you through February 2018

Promotion dates: 15 to 28 February 2018

February is the month of purification, release and transformation. On our journey to ascension we are all being called to do our work of clearing ourselves all the time, releasing old and unnecessary baggage, ideas and ideals, programs, attachments and anything that no longer serves our highest purpose. So with these energies combined we would like to offer you as much support as you need.

We are offering three essences: “Breaking Matrix Patterns”, “Sleep and Release” and “Letting Go Of Programming”.

Order any two 1oz bottles for $72, or
any two of the 2oz bottles for $99,
and receive an extra gift of a necklace vial on a silver chain,
so you can keep your essences on your person all day long!

Go to
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OPEN HAILING FREQUENCIES: Check Mate!!! February 5, 2018

Alexandra Silby Meadors and Laura Legere have an open chat about the topics of the day, including missions, Trump’s State of The Union, and more.

Join us for some mind melding and fun!

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Promo Dates: January 31st to February 14th

The January 31 Blue Moon in Leo was all about the mother, feminine energies, nourishment and nurturing – of self and of others. It is full of emotional intensity and drama, and may highlight imbalances and disharmony. The eclipse of this moon gives us a chance to hit the reset button, discarding the emotional baggage of the past six months, allowing us to forgive and move on, and get in touch with our humility.

As these energies linger into February we are offering you three formulas which are all specifically designed to support you as you reconnect with yourself, in a loving, nurturing way, boldly rediscovering your authentic self, and then to move ahead based on your own true, deep soul intentions and desires.

Order any combination of 2 oz essence and 5 ml oil for $88


any combination of 4 oz essence and 10 ml oil for $122

and receive a free gift of a necklace vial with a silver chain.

To order please go to:
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URGENT: A Compelling Message from Prime Creator, Love #5, Sector of Creation on September 21, 2017

~This video has multiple healing frequencies from the love lineage, including Prime Creator, Love, Jesus, Sananda, Ashtar, Alcyone #1, Alcyone #3, and Alcyone #5, etc.
~You will receive healing every single time you play this video.
~Listening to this once will take ten days to process.
~It will continue to peel away the layers of density for all who listen.

Alexandra: Good afternoon PC. I understand that this is your final message to the world in this virtual reality I should say. I would like to start out with that this is a very important and significant time for all of humanity. One of the greatest misunderstandings is how we got into this circumstance to begin with; of living a life of disharmony, brutality, war, unhappiness and bloodshed. So I would like you to provide a summarization of where you feel the history of our circumstances began.

PC: I would love to Alexandra.

Alexandra: Awesome!

PC: Where do I begin with this subject matter? So many things have transpired. It has been such a long road. So many complicated things have occurred that are intertwined and intertangled with all things, with all of us, including the Love Lineage, all of our creations, and all of our children.

It seems there was a miscommunication long ago between the Love Lineage and another lineage of beings regarding the subject of what could be taught and what could be not. This other lineage came out of no where, requesting our assistance to learn from us. Little was known about them. There was an understanding that these beings who were not from the Love Lineage desperately wanted to learn and experience the things those from Love could teach them. We were hounded and prodded frankly, even bullied until we caved in to agree to teach these beings some of the things we know. This was to be done within the strictest of rules and parameters. To our dismay, this initiated a chain of events that caused the literal destruction of some of our lineage, which I am unwilling to go into. The magnitude of its effects and the details of what has been done to us will not be revealed here today, for the horror would blow your minds and only cause unnecessary sadness and broken-hardheartedness.

These horrific and unspeakable things happened as a result of our lineage agreeing to teach these other beings under duress.

Understand that when we agree to teach various lineages, we will typically tour their home world to see how we can assist them. There must always be a beneficial exchange for the greater good of The All. When we toured this particular lineage’s home, we saw very old and outdated technologies which conflicted with reports of technologies that they had already actually created. It was determined that something was not adding up and we felt uneasy with the agreement to teach them. We reviewed the benefits of what would unfold millions of years into the future and received a strong message not to do the exchange with these beings. We then conveyed that we did not see this as an optimal exchange of learning, ending all possible trading with these beings. Our findings actually revealed more devastation than was originally seen. What we didn’t know is that they had deceived us through their presentation of what they truly desired from the Love Lineage.

Read the rest of the Q&A at
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Prime Creator Message August 20, 2017

August 19, 2017

To Alexandra:
I am contacting you today with my final message to my Children of Earth.
First I want to say I have never allowed anyone to channel me. Nor have I relayed any of these direct messages from me to you other than through Alexandra. I designated her to be the receiver of my messages to give to my children. All others are impersonators of your game with the purpose to deceive you into keeping the game going.

Now I am providing my final message to my children of this world! It is time to bring you home after thousands of millennia …
One of my children has found her way out of the maze within the simulator of a virtual reality of which you all participated in. Your thoughts both individually and collectively created your reality. When you fully comprehend this message, you may feel upset, speechless, finding no words to describe how this makes you feel, that you are literally within a destructive computer game that you all created.

Your reality started in a class room where a group of children thought it would be great to play a game inside the simulator of virtual reality of hide and seek. The children’s desire was to hide so well that I would never find them! This is how your history and your reality were created and where you are now. I do believe you are all calling it Team Dark and Team Light.

Read the full message here:

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Alexandra at the Paradigm Shift Conference: Time to Choose; The Endgame is Here

We present the talk given by Alexandra Meadors at the July 18, 2017 Paradigm Shift Online Conference organized by Lana and David Love.

The ball gets rolling when Alexandra is asked about the conference theme, “paradigm shift.” This topic is perfect for Alexandra. This is her first major public statement since her extraordinary, prolonged, brutal and wildly successful mission in Ireland and Scotland. She now shares new inspirations and revelations, deriving from that extraordinary trip, unexpected in so many ways. Here she proceeds to fill out her understanding of the massive world-changes underway.

Alexandra declares us well into the ‘endgame’. This should not come as a great surprise to many who have been following Alexandra or have felt the energies. But critical work remains. Alexandra spells out the issues facing us in this quickening chapter, the paths to resolution, and our cheerful prospects.

Alexandra’s decisive theme is the need for us to create and decide our timeline, to choose our future by choosing our present, by unifying consciousness, by shaping ourselves with our highest and most complete and loving awareness. We see awakening and opening from the highest levels to the lowest. Alexandra urges us to heal by understanding our cosmic past in a brutal game that was sure to land some scars. She urges us to send our appeal and our spirits reach straight to Prime Creator, Source of All, God, All-That-Is… (and however you gender Him/Her/It ). The game is finishing.

The paradigm has already shifted, the timelines are well along. But still we all have work to do. That is where choice comes in. What holds us back from fully choosing the rising wave of Light? Alexandra spends a third of the talk with a brilliant, detailed repertory of our deep operating programs of consciousness. Some of these are ancient and served us well as ‘defense mechanisms’. Clearing of these programs remains paramount.

It is time, Alexandra says, to dispense with hard-earned and hard-learned capabilities, skills and attitudes, as well as self-destructive behaviors. We learned hard lessons and survival skills, none too pretty. But we turned the tide; ‘we’ on every level imaginable, up to the One. And down in the dark. So forgiveness too is uppermost. Forgiveness starts with self-forgiveness, which comes more easily when we understand how we got here. Alexandra speaks briefly about the anomaly, the shattering of the mirror, which got things off to a bad start in this universe.

Alexandra finally spells out numerous old programs that we need to clear: Thinking we need to ask permission to be free, that we may not ask for help, driving ourselves too hard, being over self-controlling, expecting hostility, feeling guilty, playing the cornered cat, forgetting we have the right and reason to call upon Prime Creator. She covers an amazing range in the last 20 minutes.

This does not mean to give up our defenses or common sense. It means to strategize for the endgame. In a wearingly long time, we are at last riding a last wave home. A wave that will take us to shore, a soft beach landing or a rocky finish, is the obvious choice ahead of us. Let’s steady the boat. Alexandra finishes with the greatest message, you, s/he, we all, are Loved beyond measure.

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Alexandra at the Paradigm Shift Conference: Time to Choose; The Endgame is Here

We present the talk given by Alexandra Meadors at the July 18, 2017 Paradigm Shift Online Conference organized by Lana and David Love.

The ball gets rolling when Alexandra is asked about the conference theme, “paradigm shift.” This topic is perfect for Alexandra. This is her first major public statement since her extraordinary, prolonged, brutal and wildly successful mission in Ireland and Scotland. She now shares new inspirations and revelations, deriving from that extraordinary trip, unexpected in so many ways. Here she proceeds to fill out her understanding of the massive world-changes underway.

Alexandra declares us well into the ‘endgame’. This should not come as a great surprise to many who have been following Alexandra or have felt the energies. But critical work remains. Alexandra spells out the issues facing us in this quickening chapter, the paths to resolution, and our cheerful prospects.

Alexandra’s decisive theme is the need for us to create and decide our timeline, to choose our future by choosing our present, by unifying consciousness, by shaping ourselves with our highest and most complete and loving awareness. We see awakening and opening from the highest levels to the lowest. Alexandra urges us to heal by understanding our cosmic past in a brutal game that was sure to land some scars. She urges us to send our appeal and our spirits reach straight to Prime Creator, Source of All, God, All-That-Is… (and however you gender Him/Her/It ). The game is finishing.

The paradigm has already shifted, the timelines are well along. But still we all have work to do. That is where choice comes in. What holds us back from fully choosing the rising wave of Light? Alexandra spends a third of the talk with a brilliant, detailed repertory of our deep operating programs of consciousness. Some of these are ancient and served us well as ‘defense mechanisms’. Clearing of these programs remains paramount.

It is time, Alexandra says, to dispense with hard-earned and hard-learned capabilities, skills and attitudes, as well as self-destructive behaviors. We learned hard lessons and survival skills, none too pretty. But we turned the tide; ‘we’ on every level imaginable, up to the One. And down in the dark. So forgiveness too is uppermost. Forgiveness starts with self-forgiveness, which comes more easily when we understand how we got here. Alexandra speaks briefly about the anomaly, the shattering of the mirror, which got things off to a bad start in this universe.

Alexandra finally spells out numerous old programs that we need to clear: Thinking we need to ask permission to be free, that we may not ask for help, driving ourselves too hard, being over self-controlling, expecting hostility, feeling guilty, playing the cornered cat, forgetting we have the right and reason to call upon Prime Creator. She covers an amazing range in the last 20 minutes.

This does not mean to give up our defenses or common sense. It means to strategize for the endgame. In a wearingly long time, we are at last riding a last wave home. A wave that will take us to shore, a soft beach landing or a rocky finish, is the obvious choice ahead of us. Let’s steady the boat. Alexandra finishes with the greatest message, you, s/he, we all, are Loved beyond measure.

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Alexandra at the Paradigm Shift Conference: Time to Choose; The Endgame is Here Aug 1, 2017

We present the talk given by Alexandra Meadors at the July 18, 2017 Paradigm Shift Online Conference organized by Lana and David Love.

The ball gets rolling when Alexandra is asked about the conference theme, “paradigm shift.” This topic is perfect for Alexandra. This is her first major public statement since her extraordinary, prolonged, brutal and wildly successful mission in Ireland and Scotland. She now shares new inspirations and revelations, deriving from that extraordinary trip, unexpected in so many ways. Here she proceeds to fill out her understanding of the massive world-changes underway.

Alexandra declares us well into the ‘endgame’. This should not come as a great surprise to many who have been following Alexandra or have felt the energies. But critical work remains. Alexandra spells out the issues facing us in this quickening chapter, the paths to resolution, and our cheerful prospects.

Alexandra’s decisive theme is the need for us to create and decide our timeline, to choose our future by choosing our present, by unifying consciousness, by shaping ourselves with our highest and most complete and loving awareness. We see awakening and opening from the highest levels to the lowest. Alexandra urges us to heal by understanding our cosmic past in a brutal game that was sure to land some scars. She urges us to send our appeal and our spirit’s reach straight to Prime Creator, Source of All, God, All-That-Is… (and however you gender Hem/Hir/It ). The game is finishing.

The paradigm has already shifted, the timelines are well along. But still we all have work to do. That is where choice comes in. What holds us back from fully choosing the rising wave of Light? Alexandra spends a third of the talk with a brilliant, detailed repertory of our deep operating programs of consciousness. Some of these are ancient and served us well as ‘defense mechanisms’. Clearing of these programs remains paramount.

It is time, Alexandra says, to dispense with hard-earned and hard-learned capabilities, skills and attitudes, as well as self-destructive behaviors. We learned hard lessons and survival skills, none too pretty. But we turned the tide; ‘we’ on every level imaginable, up to the One. And down in the dark. So forgiveness too is uppermost. Forgiveness starts with self-forgiveness, which comes more easily when we understand how we got here. Alexandra speaks briefly about the anomaly, the shattering of the mirror, which got things off to a bad start in this universe.

Alexandra finally spells out numerous old programs that we need to clear: Thinking we need to ask permission to be free, that we may not ask for help, driving ourselves too hard, being over self-controlling, expecting hostility, feeling guilty, playing the cornered cat, forgetting we have the right and reason to call upon Prime Creator. She covers an amazing range in the last 20 minutes.

This does not mean to give up our defenses or common sense. It means to strategize for the endgame. In a wearingly long time, we are at last riding a last wave home. A wave that will take us to shore, a soft beach landing or a rocky finish, is the obvious choice ahead of us. Let’s steady the boat. Alexandra finishes with the greatest message, you, s/he, we all, are Loved beyond measure.

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