Category Archives: #ascension2021

Love is the Answer: What it Means, Feels Like, & Why it’s is the Key to Everything

Love is all you need, and love is the answer. Though many may generally agree with this sentiment, from a spiritual perspective, what does it really mean? In our divine quest for reintegration with our Source, it is infinite, unconditional love by which we will return…


Preparing for Disclosure & Solar Flash Events – Corey Goode at Cosmic Waves

What follows are the key elements in Corey Goode’s two presentations at the Cosmic Waves seminar in Kealakekua, Hawaii on April 9 and 11…


Cosmic Waves… Kp notes (through 4-9-19)

Decided to post the limited notes I’ve taken for each of the tasks so far. These are very cursory, but some may be interested in these “points of note” that I felt were worth noting. 4-9-19 Elizabeth Wilcock WE are the Frontline of Ascension A real warrior protects the feminine…


James Gilliland 8-7-17… August Update: “We’re in for a Wild Ride”

Excellent (in my view) message from James. Yes, we’re IN it, baby, and it is time to follow our Higher Guidance and Insights and BE and DO what we are here to BE and DO. “Looks like we are in for a wild ride.


James Gilliland 8-7-17… August Update: “We’re in for a Wild Ride”

Excellent (in my view) message from James. Yes, we’re IN it, baby, and it is time to follow our Higher Guidance and Insights and BE and DO what we are here to BE and DO. “Looks like we are in for a wild ride.


James Gilliland 8-7-17… August Update: “We’re in for a Wild Ride”

Excellent (in my view) message from James. Yes, we’re IN it, baby, and it is time to follow our Higher Guidance and Insights and BE and DO what we are here to BE and DO. “Looks like we are in for a wild ride.


James Gilliland 8-7-17… August Update: “We’re in for a Wild Ride”

Excellent (in my view) message from James. Yes, we’re IN it, baby, and it is time to follow our Higher Guidance and Insights and BE and DO what we are here to BE and DO. “Looks like we are in for a wild ride.


James Gilliland 8-7-17… August Update: “We’re in for a Wild Ride”

Excellent (in my view) message from James. Yes, we’re IN it, baby, and it is time to follow our Higher Guidance and Insights and BE and DO what we are here to BE and DO. “Looks like we are in for a wild ride.


Every Year on August 8th, There Is a Cosmic Alignment Called “the Lion’s Gateway”.

When this direct alignment with the Galactic Center happens, (as can be seen astrologically) there is an intense surge of light which awakens DNA, activates the human energy field, and transmits high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening.
